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Groundhogs, also known as marmots, belong to the marmot family and are found primarily in North America. Although there is one main groundhog species, known as the common or eastern marmot (Marmota monax), there are some regional variations in the size and coloration of this species. Let's take a look at the varieties of marmots:

1. the common marmot (Marmota monax):

The common groundhog is the most common groundhog species found in the eastern and central regions of North America. They have a stout body with short legs and a bushy tail. Common groundhogs usually have brown fur with grisaille, and their fur may vary slightly in coloration from individual to individual.


2. Northern Groundhog:

The northern groundhog is a subspecies of the common marmot and is found in the northern parts of the species' range, including Canada and the northern United States. They tend to be larger and have a sturdier build compared to their southern counterparts.


3. southern groundhog:

The southern groundhog is a subspecies of the common groundhog and is found in the southern regions of the species' range, including the southeastern United States. They are slightly smaller and have a relatively lighter build compared to the northern groundhog.


It is important to note that while there are regional differences in the size and build of marmots, these differences are relatively minor throughout the species. The common marmot, regardless of geographic differences, shares many of the same physical and behavioral characteristics.


Groundhogs, particularly the common marmot or eastern marmot, are amazing creatures found in various regions of North America. Despite some regional differences in size and build, they all belong to the same species. Understanding the habits and behaviors of the marmot not only adds to our knowledge of the natural world, but also deepens our understanding of the diversity of wildlife that inhabits our ecosystems.